World Edit Tutorial

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Last updated on: 26 September 2021 23:00 CEST
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This is a tutorial for the Minecraft build mod World Edit. Visit the official documentation here.
Note that this mod is separate from the FAWE plugin (Fast Async World Edit). This plugin will not be covered here, although many commands are the same.
To find out more about FAWE, use the in-game documentation (found by typing //help) or search for resources online.

This tutorial is meant to give beginner and advanced World Edit users a place to start from, and provide tips on how the mod can be used.
It has been separated into the basic commands, advanced commands, and the applications section. In the first section, you can find common commands you will use 90% of the time while building.
If you believe you have mastered these, scroll down to the advanced commands section where more difficult concepts are explained. Lastly, a few examples of how you can use World Edit are given in the applications section.

This tutorial is by no means exhaustive—World Edit can be used in many ways—but it should provide you a good starting point for using this mod.
Look at the official documentation, try out the commands in-game and see what you can create. Experiment and happy building!

Additions from the community are welcome :)
Send a message in #builds or send me a DM to discuss it.

When a command is listed, you can recognise arguments if they are surrounded by <> for required arguments or [] for optional arguments. These symbols shouldn't be included in the actual command. With the exception of flags which you can recognise by the dash in front, the arguments need to be in the correct order. Flags can be in any order, and between other arguments if you so desire.
For zero-argument flags a shorthand notation is used. you do not need to put a dash in front of them separately. Example: -as.
Flags that require an argument associated with it, need to be listed separately. Example: -as -m 0. Here the -m flag has one argument.

Basic Commands

The basic commmands of World Edit can be found in this section.


Especially when working on large-scale builds, it would be convenient to be able to move around quickly. For this reason there are a few commands packed with the mod.


/unstuck or /! is a command that teleports you upwards until there is a space the player can stand without clipping into blocks. This is useful for example when generating spheres and accidentally placing one around yourself. It has no effect when the player is already in a free position.

/ascend [levels]
/descend [levels]

/ascend or /asc moves the player up a floor. The levels argument specifies the amount of floors the player should be moved up to. If the player has only air above them, it will do nothing and display an error message instead: No free space above you found.
Similarly, /descend or /desc moves the player down a floor.

/ceil [-fg] [clearance]

/ceil moves the player to the ceiling. If you are not flying you will immediately fall however. With the -f and -g flags you can make sure that won't happen, by forcing fly mode or putting a glass block below the player respectively.
If the player has only air above them, it will do nothing and display an error message instead: No free space above you found.


The /thru command moves the player through blocks in the direction the player is looking. If there is nothing in front of the player within a few blocks, it will display an error message instead.


/jumpto or /j teleports the player to the block the player is looking at, and then moves them up until there is a free spot, similar to the /unstuck command. If there is no block in front of the player, or if it is too far away, it will display an error message instead.

/up [-fg] <distance>

/up moves the player up by the amount specified by distance. To ensure you don't immediately fall, you can use the -f and -g flags, by forcing fly mode or putting a glass block below the player respectively.
The command does nothing and displays an error if there is a block within that distance.


//wand -n

//wand is where it all starts when using World Edit. This command gives you the wand to select areas with.
If the -n flag is set, the user is granted a navigation wand instead, which behaves similarly to the /jumpto command when clicking. <---- Fact check!


Pattern matching

WE Brushes


Advanced Commands

Selection modes



